Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 23/24

Updated: 20/05/2024 292 KB

Hambleton Primary Academy Pupil Premium Expenditure 2020/2021

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium Grant is available as funding for two reasons :

  • raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and closing the gap with their peers
  • supporting children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces

For the period 2020 to 2021 financial year, pupil premium funding is:
£1,320 for each eligible primary-aged pupil (FSM ever6)
£1,900 for Looked-after children (LAC)

Children who are entitled to pupil premium face challenges such as poor language and communication skills, lack of confidence and issues with attendance and punctuality. The pupil premium is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible, helping to narrow the gap between them and their classmates.



 School name

Hambleton Primary Academy

Pupils in school


Proportion of disadvantaged pupils

27 ( 11.9%)

Pupil premium allocation this academic year

£7,707.50 per quarter (+ LAC virtual schools)

Academic year or years covered by statement


Publish date

September 2020

Review date

July 2021

Statement authorised by

Holly Wood

Pupil premium lead

Charlotte Blundell

Governor lead

Lisa Knowles






Speech and Language Difficulties

consultancy to include children assessment, 1:1 and group sessions, training for key new staff and monthly review of assessment



Use of Communicate ongoing intervention for consistency 1 day per week (Therapist and assistant) to improve communication and language skills across school generally but with main focus on Reception and KS1 and those in KS2 with significant need.


To provide early intervention for pupils in EYFS with SLC needs


Committed time of staff through school managing and delivering S&L therapy

Speech Language

Therapist – Communicate

Therapist £142 (3.5 hours) – 39 weeks

SL Assistant £40 (1 hour) – 39 weeks Total: £5800





TA delivery time

15 mins x 5 days a week = 75 mins

75 mins x 5 classes = 375 mins (6.25 hours)

6.25 x £10 x 40 weeks = £2,500

Anxiety, Low self Esteem, Resilience

Learning Mentor Time (including target work). Member of staff to check in with all PP children half termly on a 1:1 basis. Offering intervention for children as and when needed

Trinity Counselling and Link Service

Provide support and guidance to help our children who are experiencing difficulties in learning due to social, emotional or behavioural problems. Our Learning Mentor helps our children overcome behavioural, social or emotional problems that are affecting their learning. One to one support and interventions put in place if needed

We seek to develop understanding of resilience across the whole school community and to establish systems to build ‘resilience approaches’ that support disadvantaged children over time, through a whole school approach. This can be on 1:1 basis/ family sessions. Also provide training and support for members of staff at Hambleton.

2 days x 5 hours @ £10 = £100

£100 x 40 weeks = £4,000







Total: £2500

Staff Time

Extra TA Booster time (in class)




IDL (Spelling Programme)

IDL yearly Subscription





SENCo/Pupil Premium Champion time


Experienced TA’s within school delivering high quality intervention or additional boostering. Accessible to pupils of all abilities (additional needs, closing the gap, as well as achieving greater depth)


Ideally for children with dyslexia, this programme helps ALL children make progress in spelling skills. Also improves reading and typing skills.

5 days x 3 hours @£10 = £150

£300 x 40 weeks = £6,000




£200 for subscription

TA time to run the programme-

15 mins x 5 days a week = 75 mins

75 mins x 5 classes = 375 mins (6.25 hours)

6.25 x £10 x 40 weeks = £2,500

Total = £3,000

Child Specific and Enrichment

Providing children with equipment to enhance their learning and ensuring all children have access to remote learning. Ipads/tutoring/equipment

As well as continuing to provide free membership of extra-curricular clubs, we will provide additional clubs to improve and develop language and social skills to equip children with the skills that they need to be successful in life. Music helps develop a child in many different areas.

All children have their own ipad to assist learning in school and remote learning when necessary.

Total: £3500




Total 30,000

Pupil Premium Expenditure 2019/2020

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) for the academic year 2019/2020

Total number of pupils on roll 227
Total number eligible for PPG 28
Amount for the academic year 2019/2020 £35,200
Pupil Premium Champion Mrs Charlotte Blundell
Next Pupil Premium Strategy Reviews 28/11/19, 26/02/20, 08/05/20, 10/07/20
What are our key strategies to close the attainment and progress gaps for FSM and Pupil Premium Pupils at Hambleton
  • A rich, exciting and engaging curriculum offer for all.
  • Developing Resilience
  • Quality Teaching throughout school

Current Standards Throughout School (Whole School)

  Reading Writing SPaG Maths
Expected Standard 81.1 79.6 80.9 85.7
PP/Non-PP 52.9/83.8 47.1/82.7 53.3/83.7 70.6/87.2
Above Expected Standard 37.2 26 31.5 34.7
PP/Non-PP 5.9/40.2 5.9/27.9 6.7/34 5.9/37.4

Due to the continuing success of our previous pupil premium strategy, and its positive impact on the attainment and progress of the children in receipt of this fund, we will continue to utilise Pupil Premium money in the same way as previous years.

Teaching and Learning

Hambleton’s main expenditure will be on our Learning Mentor who is there to provide support and guidance to help our children who are experiencing difficulties in learning due to social, emotional or behavioural problems. Our Learning Mentor helps our children overcome behavioural, social or emotional problems that are affecting their learning. One to one support staff


We will continue to design our new curriculum to reflect the needs and aspirations of our school and the assessment linked to the curriculum to ensure that we are closing the gap for disadvantaged children.


As well as continuing to provide free membership of extra-curricular clubs, we will provide additional clubs to improve and develop language and social skills to equip children with the skills that they need to be successful in life.

PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education)

We believe that learning starts with a child’s state of mind or mental health and in order for children to reach their full potential they need to have academic resilience. Through our engagement with our Learning Mentor and Trinity Counselling Services/Intervention groups, we seek to develop understanding of resilience across the whole school community and to establish systems to build ‘resilience approaches’ that support disadvantaged children over time, through a whole school approach.

Main barriers to educational achievement

We have very few barriers to educational achievement amongst our PP children and non-PP children on the whole. The few challenges we have include;

  • Low income
  • Poor home learning environment

How we will measure impact

  • We will continue to close the gap for educational achievement, compared to non-PP peers. (Resilience questionnaire/analysis and observations).
  • We will have resilient children ready to begin the next stage of learning. (School data 2020).

How the money will be spent 2019/2020

Due to the success of our previous pupil premium strategy, and its positive impact on the attainment and progress of the children in receipt of this fund, we will continue to utilise Pupil Premium money in the same way as detailed above.

In addition the money we are due to receive this year is going to be used to train support staff in order to deliver the Trinity Hospice counselling and support programme to Pupil Premium pupils requiring this intervention.

The breakdown is as follows;

Total eligible: 28 (12.3%)

FSM – 19

AFC – 6

LAC – 2

EHCP – 1

*Service child – 2

Total funding £35,200

  • Learning Mentor Time (including target work)

3 days x 5 hours @ £10 = £150

£150 x 40 weeks = £6,000

  • Extra TA Booster time (in class)

5 days x 6 hours @£10 = £300

£300 x 40 weeks = £12,000

  • IDL (Spelling Programme)

IDL yearly Subscription: £200

TA time to run the programme-

15 mins x 5 days a week = 75 mins

75 mins x 5 classes = 375 mins (6.25 hours)

6.25 x £10 x 40 weeks = £2,500

  • Trinity Counselling and Link Service

Total: £2500

  • Proposed Speech and Language Specialist

Shine and Communicate have both been contacted and will be contacting myself with a price to come to Hambleton weekly to deliver speech language intervention and also assess children who we feel would benefit from some targeted work (£6,000)

  • TA time to deliver speech and language intervention = £3000
  • SENCo/Pupil Premium Champion time = £3,000

TOTAL = £35,200