Hambleton Primary Academy seeks to provide an all round education for children in a bright, stimulating and fun atmosphere. We have the highest expectations of pupil attainment, teacher performance and parental involvement and we encourage everyone to strive for excellence, in order to achieve potential. We seek challenge and embrace change in order to improve.
At Hambleton we believe that an all-round education is important for the development of all our children. As an Academy we are not bound by the National Curriculum, but follow our own broad and balanced, skills based curriculum, which is progressive, challenging and building on prior knowledge. We ensure that time is built into our curriculum to ensure that children have the opportunity to practise skills they have been taught in real life situations. We seek curriculum themes, which will excite, inspire and motivate learning at all ages. The children are very involved in shaping both the creation and development of themes and we encourage responsibility and independence from a very early age. Whilst we have defined our curriculum “drivers” as diversity, teamwork and resilience, community and environment, the progression of literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum are viewed as vitally important and these are developed at all times.
At the heart of our curriculum is ‘knowledge and skills’ and we pride ourselves on developing a reading culture that is embedded across the school. Our lessons are book-led and aim to inspire children to foster a love for reading across the curriculum. All children are exposed to creative, sporting and cultural opportunities, along with a rich diet of extracurricular activities and class visits. We pride ourselves on offering a challenging and engaging curriculum where children have the opportunity to develop a greater depth of knowledge in Maths and English, but just as importantly we provide a creative and engaging skills-led curriculum, where children are immersed in a world of construction, sports and sciences. Further to this, our Academy provides opportunities within performing arts and music, as we believe these skills are an integral part of the curriculum. We know our children holistically, and use this knowledge to motivate, encourage and care for them throughout their time at our school.
We also believe that children need to learn from their own experience and this starts from an early age. Primary years at Hambleton are all about discovery, exploration and adventure and our Early Years and Forest School Provision provides ideal opportunities for children to undertake all three.
At Hambleton Primary Academy School, our Pupil Council aims to provide a safe, happy and fair learning environment. We take an active role in organising school events, including those which raise money for our own school improvements as well events to raise the profile and money for local, national and global charities. As a school, we value our Pupil Councillors as their voice and ideas are integral to making our school the inspiring, joyful and enthusiastic place it is and we provide opportunities for pupil voice in a number of effective and purposeful ways. Pupils are consistently given the opportunity to express their views and make positive contributions towards our school. We work with other communities to allow new experiences, healthy lifestyles and a broader curriculum to be achieved. Through our Pupil Council meetings, we teach the children skills they need to be able to make decisions which impact upon our school.
We want children at Hambleton to achieve academic success but it's just as vital to us that they remain healthy, happy and emotionally aware young people during their time here and beyond. We promote growth mind-set, reinforcing the belief that any pupil can improve and achieve in any discipline, learn from setbacks, and embrace challenges. At Hambleton Primary Academy we consider inclusion to be a crucial part of a child’s learning journey, particularly for those children with SEND. We ensure learning is personalised to cater for all learning styles and use a variety of teaching methods and resources to ensure every child can access the learning within the classroom. We also provide a vast selection of extra-curricular activities that help children to develop practical and social skills. We are also working to place our Academy at the forefront of leading digital literacy by becoming a Computing Hub, and teaching our children how to navigate the ‘online world’ in a safe and sensible manner.
Pupil attainment is consistently and outstandingly high at the end of both Key Stages and children are tracked throughout their time at our school, to maximise potential and eliminate any under-achievement. Care has been taken to recruit the highest quality staff, as there really is no substitute for excellent teaching!’